English information about the IV Congresso Internacional de Cuidados Paliativos

Lives e Webnars ANCP
10 de julho de 2010

English information about the IV Congresso Internacional de Cuidados Paliativos

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IV Congresso Internacional de Cuidados Paliativos

Brazilian main Congress faces the country´s huge necessity for well trained health professionals and qualified services and hospices

Brazilian Academia Nacional de Cuidados Paliativos (Palliative Care National Academy) – the most important palliative care association in Brazil – invites all palliative care workers to join us in our IV Congresso Internacional de Cuidados Paliativos (IV Palliative Care International Congress). This event will be held from October 6th to October 9th 2010 in São Paulo.

Brazil is facing a crucial moment in its Palliative Care system. Recently, Conselho Federal de Medicina (Brazilian Federal Medicine Council) has established, for the first time in history, Palliative Care as a fundamental right for the patient and an obligation for the physicians. Associação Médica Brasileira (Brazilian Medical Association) is regulating the activity of Palliative Medicine and soon it will be allowed for medical colleges and major hospitals to develop internship and post-graduation programs in Palliative Care.

All this will be discussed at the IV Congresso Internacional de Cuidados Paliativos. It´s main theme is “Education for Caring”: Brazil has 300 Palliative Care beds. The country needs 9,000. Although there is an astonishing interest on Palliative Care, how the country will manage its lack of well trained professionals in this area? How will it guarantee a qualified and efficient assistance? How it will cope with the never ending demands for Palliative Care by society?

Academia Nacional de Cuidados Paliativos is forecasting a time of challenges in the exercise of medicine, nursing and other important health professions in Brazil. It is a radical change that has no point of return. It’s a change of consciousness. The IV Congresso Internacional de Cuidados Paliativos is the beginning of it.


IV Congresso Internacional de Cuidados Paliativos has the support of all main Brazilian medical associations such as Conselho Federal de Medicina, Associação Médica Brasileira and the Ministry of Health.

Help the Voices – World Day 2010

IV Congresso Internacional de Cuidados Paliativos will end on October 9h with a ceremony in celebration to the World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2010.


For speakers, scientific program and registrations please visit: www.paliativo.org.br/congresso.

If you wish to participate, send a message to: ancpcongresso2010@paliativo.org.br

If you are a journalist or PR and need more information, please send a message to: ancpimprensa@paliativo.org.br

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